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The 42 Secrets of a Successful Telephone Call

The 42 Secrets of a Successful Telephone Call

Brief Description

This Telephone skills eBook covers all you need to know about handling a call in a professional way. You will find in it 3 major sections, the first one is the call opening where you will learn how to answer and start the call, what to say first and how to initiate a telephone call, either you are receiving calls or even calling. The second section is the biggest one, since you will be learning how to keep up with a customer on a phone conversation, what are the struggles that you might face and how to be professional in talking to the customer or anyone on the phone. The last section is how to end up the call and wrap up the conversation without losing the customer focus.

  • A message from Elvis: “My ultimate advice for you after completing every part of the reading is to practice it! Everything you will be learning in each section is a proven method for you to get better while talking on the phone. So, put everything in practice and apply all the learning. I hope that you will benefit from these techniques and learning as much as I enjoyed putting them into a complete guide for Telephone Customer Service.”


You will need a beautiful spirit and a side copy book to apply the skills and practices.

Topics to be covered

Module 1

  • How to become a successful conversation starter
  • How to make a brilliant first impression
  • How to express your intention clearly with a positive tone

Module 2

  • How to maintain focus and gain information
  • How to improve your listening skills
  • How to stop interrupting conversations
  • How to handle slow/ fast talkers
  • How to handle rejection

Module 3

  • How to move from the body of a phone call to the end of the call
  • Final lines in phone calls
  • How to end politely

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